
The ADDIE model for online course design

Instructional design is a process for creating a lesson or course that will enhance learning through the application of sound pedagogical or andragogical learning theories. One of the models used for this process of design was developed for the U.S. Army training and is called the ADDIE – which stands for Analaysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (Branson, Rayner, Cox, Furman, King, & Hannum, 1975). While this method can be used to develop online courses and lessons, it was initially based on behavioral/performance learning theories (Watson, 1981).

I used the ADDIE model to create a lesson plan about family life during World War II. The authentic learning activity will include an exploratory learning environment for grades 6 and above.  Through the use of video and links, students will be able to experience and compare life then and today. Students will interact via a discussion board, and the teacher will take an active role in communicating as well, encouraging collaboration and connectivism. 

Title: 1940s House: Making a connection between World War II and Life Today.

Grade Levels: 6+

1.  Pre-video discussion board: What do you think the 1940s kitchen was like? What appliances and conveniences do we enjoy that they might not have had during World War II?

2.  Watch the video:

3.  Take a look at rationing by interacting with the following site: World War II Food and Shopping. Leave your comments on the discussion board. What meat did they can that would be outlawed today?

4.  The family ate together during this time period and rationing was enforced. Do you think they had more family meals than we do today? 

5.  What items were rationed and how were they controlled? Some people grew gardens and had rabbits and chickens for food. How would you compensate for the small rations? Leave your ideas on the discussion board.

6.  As you watch this video, look for the items in the 1940s living room that have been replaced with technological advances today. What's your favorite?

7.  Use the interactive map to see what was happening in your country during World War II: Interactive Map

8. Can you find any ration books that were used during World War II?  Check ebay for sources. Post your finds on the discussion board.


Branson, R. K., Rayner, G. T., Cox, J. L., Furman, J. P., King, F. J., Hannum, W. H. (1975). Interservice procedures for instructional systems development. (5 vols.) (TRADOC Pam 350-30 NAVEDTRA 106A). Ft. Monroe, VA: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, August 1975. (NTIS No. ADA 019 486 through ADA 019 490).

Watson, Russell (October 1981). Instructional System Development. In a paper presented to the International Congress for Individualized Instruction. EDRS publication ED 209 239.


  1. I am very interest to learn this course. can you provide Android online training

    1. I do not have that as an online course yet -- hope this site helps though.

  2. Hi Delia, I would like to reproduce your ADDIE model from this page in a handbook for teachers I am developing for the polytechnic sector in New Zealand. If I acknowledge you as the source do I have your permission to use the image?

  3. Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks.


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