Part I: Scenario Description
Students in the past have learned about journalism and
writing by working on a school newspaper or yearbook. However, newspapers are
transitioning to becoming online papers. The presses are closing as the
traditional newsprint moves to digital print. But one of the benefits of the computer and Internet age is
that production can become more professional looking. The cost becomes lower
and the speed of production becomes enhanced. Not only does this skill provide
a form of communication for a classroom, but also it translates into a skill
that can be used personally, in the work environment, and any social or
learning scenario.
Students will
create a classroom blog. Narrowing it down to classrooms keeps it more
interesting to the students and parents. Only information pertinent to the
students will be covered. Dialogue will increase and a community of learning
will be formed as students contribute information to be added to the blog.
Part II: Connecting the Scenario to a Constructivist-Based Pedagogical Model
Constructivist learning empowers students to collaborate as
they work in a community of
practice. The control of learning will be distributed among the students
and not just one expert (Bannan-Ritland & Dabbagh, 2005). As they work together on a classroom
blog, participants will share ideas and learn to be flexible and inclusive.
They will learn the advantages of dialogue, interaction, negotiation, and
collaboration (Bannan-Ritland & Dabbagh, 2005). A classroom blog provides
multiple and ongoing opportunities for innovation, creativity, and learning
among the diverse backgrounds of all the students. They will be able to propose
ideas for images, articles, advertising and the initial layout. The teacher
will be the guide to cultivate this community of practice, which will be more
alive and flexible. Designing for this “aliveness” requires some thought
beforehand and throughout the year. Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder (2002) have
derived eight principles that can help define the community of practice.
- 1. Design for evolution.
- 2. Open a dialogue between inside and outside perspectives.
- 3. Invite different levels of participation.
- 4. Develop both public and private community spaces.
- 5. Focus on value.
- 6. Combine familiarity and excitement.
- 7. Create rhythm for the community. (Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder, 2002).
By having students design and maintain a classroom blog, they will be part of a situated learning model. Jean Lave put forth the learning theory that learning is situated, embedded within an activity of context and culture (Lave, 1991). Knowledge is acquired in the context of building a blog that will require the social interaction and collaboration of all of the students in the class. Instead of studying about the subject of writing, journalism, blogging, publishing, design, and dialogue, in an abstract way, the students will be part of a community of learning as they work together to produce a classroom blog. Learning is an ongoing process, which happens in daily life as we interact with others (Wenger, 2007).
When the
students become engaged in the process of creating a blog, they will have
developed a community of practice (Smith, 2009). This type of learning theory
is based on the research of Lave and Wenger who promoted the idea that people
learn as part of life. This can be seen in anthropological settings where
tribes struggled to survive to a group of engineers collaborating on the design
of a bridge. Situated learning occurs throughout life, in the pursuit of any
goal, from the task of earning a living to seeking recreation (Wenger,
According to Wenger (2007)
a community of practice requires three elements: the domain, the community, and the practice. In this
scenario the shared domain of interest will be the classroom blog because it
will touch the lives of all the students in the class. They should all feel a
commitment to the success of the project. Joint activities and discussion will
build the community, as the students decide on topics, share in the roles of
writer, editor, publisher and designer. They will be able to learn from each
other. The third requirement – the practice – will evolve when the students
become practitioners, sharing resources such as experiences, stories, and
technology (Smith, 2009).
Although the community of practice is more than the
technical skill to build and maintain a blog, the teacher must provide
scaffolding for the success of the community. Otherwise, the cognitive load of
first building a blog could prompt discouragement within the community. The
teacher must provide resources where the students can find the information they
need, and be able to communicate as part of the community. Because a blog is
dynamic and ongoing, the community will have a sense of joint enterprise and
identity (Wenger, 2007). Some
students may express a greater interest in certain aspects of the blog, but all
should move forward in knowledge so that each of the students will feel to be
full participants. While this method of learning is somewhat like experiential
learning, it promotes the learner to becoming actively engaged in the activity.
One of the concerns in the community of practice learning is
that some students may not become engaged due to lack of interest or peer
pressure or even shyness. The teacher must monitor the classroom dynamics and
reach out to anyone that may seem too far on the periphery of the community.
Perhaps personal blogs can evolve out of the classroom blogging community,
where individuals can apply the knowledge of the group to their own success.
The drawback of situated learning is that the teacher may not focus on the
individual, where learning must eventually reside (Haythornthwaite & Andrews,
2011). This is where online learning may provide opportunities for all sets of
learners to succeed.
Part III: Learning Activities
Learning activities are needed to support and encourage the development
of the blog by the community of students. While the blog becomes a classroom
project, individuals will contribute their experience, research and learning.
One of the first activities would be to decide on the blogging platform and
require students to look at examples of other classroom blogs. Examples are one
way of saving cognitive load and encourage the success of the task. The teacher
can give the links to several classroom blogs where students can see what they
are ultimately planning to achieve. This should prompt discussion in choosing
platforms and design. The safety of online blogging can be addressed by using blogs designed for education such as edublogs.
The next learning activity would include learning how to
use the blogging platform chosen. The class can begin to brainstorm on a name
for their class blog and categories of subjects to be covered in “posts.”
Timing should be addressed – “do they want to blog daily, weekly, or on some
other schedule?”
A learning activity should include the use of copyrighted images and videos. The whole class would want to learn how to choose images
that do not infringe on copyright. The creative commons rights should be part
of this learning activity. Students will learn what is infringement and what is
safe to use, whether that be music, film, or images. This is when it is
valuable for the teacher to provide a list of image sources that are within the
creative commons, and how to attribute credit.
Images must also be optimized for the blog and students
should have an activity that guides them through the process of learning how to
edit photos. Camera use for personalizing the blog would also be an item for
A learning activity about how to write for a blog would be
important for all class members. This would be an opportunity to improve
writing skill that are informal and much more like students communicate.
Instead of the formal five-paragraph essay and thesis statement, students can
learn to write with clarity and a topic.
Part of communicating online in a blogging format is the
opportunity for discussion in the form of comments. Students should have an
activity about etiquette in posting comments and learn about respecting other
students’ perspectives and opinions.
Part IV: Learning Technologies
Situated learning practices can be found in online learning
communities. For example, online communities draw attention to group processes,
develop roles and levels of expertise, and have application outside the
community (Haythorthwaite & Andrews, 2011). Learning technologies are needed to complete the task of
building and maintaining a classroom blog. These technologies are the Internet,
computers, camera, and the blogging platform. While learning will be student
centered, the teacher will be the guide in this constructivist learning model.
Collaborative learning, experiential learning, and situated learning will
constitute the methods for using the technologies. Even though the students
will be the center of learning, the teacher must take on the role of
facilitator or coach, so that the learning will be a form of guided
participation in this socio-cultural activity (Mascolo, 2009). The teacher as
the coach will guide the students on the use of the technology needed to
complete the task of building a classroom blog.
B., & Dabbagh, N. (2005). Online learning: Concepts,
strategies, and application. Columbus, OH: Pearson.
C., & Andrews, R. (2011). E-Learning Theory & Practice.
London, England: Sage.
Lave, Jean (1988). Cognition
in practice: mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
M. (2009). Beyond student-centered
and teacher-centered pedagogy: Teaching and learning as guided participation. Pedagogy and the Human Sciences (1) 1 p.
3-27. Retrieved from
Smith, M. K. (2003, 2009). Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and
communities of practice. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education. Retrieved from
E., McDermott, R., & Snyder, M. (2002). Cultivating
Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge, Boston, MA:
Harvard Business School Press. Retrieved from:
Etienne (1998). Communities of practice. Learning as a social system. Systems Thinker. Retrieved from
Etienne (2007). Communities of practice. A brief introduction.Communities
of practice. Retrieved from
Etienne and Richard McDermott, and William Snyder (2002). Cultivating
communities of practice: a guide to managing knowledge. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard Business School Press.
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