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Credit: Dr. Marcus Gossler |
Copyright laws continually
present problems for institutions and faculty in higher education as the
profitability of electronic materials increase (Simon, 2010, p.
457). There has been a steady increase in “two- and 4-year
degree-granting institutions in the United States, or 56%, offered distance
education courses” (Kranch, 2008, p. 350). As higher institutions disseminate course information via the
Internet, the likelihood of copyright ownership and their
infringements becomes apparent. Instructors,
students, and colleges become involved when their works become fixed in media
through software and online platforms (Kranch, 2008). Students may not know
that their “fixed” works are immediately copyrighted and that they have an exclusive
ownership of their writings and photographs (Lyons, 2010). Web surfers are less likely to know that all the material
they peruse, copy and paste is owned by someone or some institution, regardless
of a copyright mark. The question of ever more laws to circumscribe the
existing copyright laws must be addressed (Samuelson, 2011, p. 30). Furthermore,
the laws governing nonprofits, higher education, corporations, and individuals
are often difficult to navigate, only to be resolved by a court. The protection
a copyright offers must be balanced with the deleterious effects of preventing material
to be shared for the benefit of learning and progress (Samuelson, 2011). Legal battles can forestall the sharing
of good ideas, creative learning devices, and the advancement of society.
The Copyright Act protects
the creator of a work by giving him exclusive rights to make copies of that
work for a specified time (17 U.S.C. 101). Ownership of a copyright should be
balanced by the benefits. While there are benefits to making more information
available in the public domain or at least offer it through a creative commons
license, society should not neglect the needs of the creative talent (Klein,
2010, p. 3). Institutions are like corporations, and they provide a sound base
of salary and benefits for the creative genius to produce works worthy of
copyright and financial rewards. Both the institution and the faculty members
stand to benefit (Klein, 2010, p.8). Some faculty may not produce significant
works that have monetary benefits and/or may be content to use others works.
But for those who do create new materials while enjoying the security of a
paycheck, benefits, and often tenure, the question of who owns the works comes
under scrutiny. Institutions vary in the way they handle this, from offering
“1) outright faculty ownership, particularly when faculty created work on their
own time with ‘independent efforts; 2) outright institutional ownership, often
as ‘works made for hire’; and 3) ‘joint ownership’”(Klein, 2010, p.3). Colleges
may be more agreeable than corporations to negotiating a shared ownership, as
evidenced by a study in 2008 showing that faculty still owned copyrights under
the provisions of creating the work on their own time (Klein, 2010).
Higher education may offer a
more secure place of employment than the corporate world. Faculty may not need
the extra financial income generated from one of their copyrighted materials.
But they may better be able to protect their rights and claim that their
contributions make the institution more valuable, both monetarily and notably. Faculty
members that contribute course materials become more valuable to the
institution, but if they wish to keep some ownership of their creations, they
must navigate contracts that may stipulate exclusions for work that is hired or
commissioned (Blanchard, 2009, p. 61). A more equitable agreement would include
the faculty member and the institution, since both stand to benefit from the
copyright works (Blanchard, 2009, p. 68). Of course, in the corporate world,
almost all employees are required to sign away all of their intellectual
property they develop during their employment. Corporations go to great lengths
to have employees sign non-disclosure agreements, non-compete agreements, and a
legal document signing away all their interest in any intellectual property
they produce. While some protection for corporations is valid, too often they
reach in and take everything. Some corporations and institutions of learning
will compromise, signing agreements that spell out the arrangement of royalty
in case of intellectual properties being constructed (Klein, 2010, p. 7). However, as institutions of higher education
become more like corporations, there is a legitimate concern that they will try
to claim the rights to everything produced by their “employees.” As online
learning demands more content, professors are being asked to create works. Plus,
faculty members are creating more content that is assessable online (Kranch,
2008, p. 353). A great deal of time and creativity can go into preparing and
launching materials for online courses. While it is true that institutions
provide a safe harbor for their employees to develop educational materials,
greater cooperation between employer and employee will benefit all of higher
education (Blanchard, 2010, p. 68). Acknowledging this relationship should
create an agreement of shared copyrights. Wise faculty members will approach
their contract of work with a legally binding agreement specifying the shared
works that he/she may produce (Kranch, 2008, p. 354). Left to the open market,
universities that work with their faculty and share copyrights or even take a
lesser royalty, will likely draw more top-tiered professors and aspiring
educators, while those that claim the “work for hire” clause and take all the
rights, may attract less interested parties. University settings contribute to
the success of many educators’ endeavors by providing the campus, colleagues
and recognition among the education community (Kranch, 2008, p. 351). But, the
reverse is true as well; universities benefit by a rich, creative faculty. Of
course, higher institutions and corporations can dominate the agreement
process; they have legal counsel and money; the educator may feel he cannot
negotiate a good agreement due to his overriding need for employment. On the
other hand, a lone entrepreneur, unattached to a university may not be able to
sell his wares as easily as the prominent Harvard professor. That the employer
provides more than just a salary is possible and therefore may justify a small
percentage of royalty going to the institution.
In contrast is the
unattached creator who develops educational materials without the comforts of a
weekly paycheck and job security. There should not be any contest here, as the
holder of the copyright stands the need of financial benefits entirely, and has
not receiving support from a higher institution or corporation (17
U.S.C. § 101, 2008). This
is the example of the entrepreneur who forgoes the corporate or institutional
salary to produce works in hopes that he will license his work and thus receive
funds to support his endeavors. In such a case, the inventor probably had to
live a more stressful life in hopes of creating a work for his support, yet
there will be no question that he owns the copyright outright (17 U.S.C.
§ 101, 2008). Therefore,
it seems a shared ownership of intellectual properties is equitable when works
are produced in the context of employment; there is a benefit of the paycheck
that may give an educator more freedom of time to create. Unfortunately,
powerful institutions, like corporations often become greedy and reach in,
taking more than what is fair and equitable (Blanchard, 2008, p. 68).
Students may not know that
they hold the copyright to the works they write and produce in a fixed format (Lyons, 2010). This information is not usually visible or clearly
explained in a course of study. That an instructor must ask permission to keep
and use a student’s work alludes to this ownership, but it is most likely not
spelled out in the context of course materials or conveyed to the student. It seems fairly straight forward that a
student, who pays for his education, would have the copyright for all the work
he produces. He is neither producing “work for hire” or even under the guise of
being employed (Kranch, 2008, p. 351). This may change if a student of higher
education becomes a graduate student and receives some pay for being a
teacher’s aid. For any of the work a student produces for a faculty member,
copyright ownership may be contested. If the student contributes without pay,
but the faculty member is paid and he falls under the “work for hire,” the
copyright could be claimed by the institution, leaving the student without much
Some college graduates that
have left the university setting are in a position to create and provide
educational materials without the conflict of “work for hire.” For example, Salman
Khan started his online academy from his home, where he was not forced to sign
over his innovative works to his employer (Young, 2010, para. 2). Students are in a similar situation
where they are not bound to the university to which they attend, and can conceivably
produce creative works and keep sole ownership of the copyright. Perhaps this
is the best scenario and time to develop works, as a student.
Copyright rules become so
complex and pervasive, that it stifles educators when putting together
information to be shared with students. Not only do they need a contract
defining their contributions, there is confusion to what constitutes “fair use”
(Klein, 2010, p. 4). This is especially confusing in the global atmosphere of
online learning, where countries may have differing copyright laws. For
example, in Canada “Fair use is an American copyright concept and it does not
apply to Canada” (Nenych, 2011, p. 5). The fact that online works do not need
to carry any information about their copyright rules means little except
everyone must assume it is copyright protected and off-limits for use (Lyons,
2010, p. 63). Fear of litigation can further plug the system of open knowledge
bases. Greed certainly has a strong influence and slows the progress of
disseminating information.
Higher education is essentially
a business, whether it is set up as a nonprofit or for profit (Klein, 2012, p.
8). Therefore, the copyright laws for educational institutions that supply
services should be the same as for corporations that provide goods and
services. However, I would not adhere to the “work for hire” concept with
either entities, but would instead offer a compromise where the creator holds
the majority of the copyright and the institution or corporation holds a
smaller royalty. This would strengthen the position of the faculty member and
the employee and at the same time give them protection from infringers. One is
less likely to use material if there is a fear of litigation, which is usually
only affordable to big institutions than the lone person. This would allow the
creator of works to receive financial dividends and have protection and
contribute to a less adversarial relationship. Both parties can benefit.
Of course, if everyone’s
work is copyrighted, everyone must pay to use it, and those without the
financial means will be left out. This is of great concern in the field of learning
(Lyons, 2010, p. 57). Education
may have more issues with copyrights covering educational materials that could
be easily copied and reproduced, expensive to make the first time around, but
easily copied (Boyle, 2008, p. 4). This is where protection may be needed. For those who need finances to live,
they need the benefits of a copyright that covers a profitable creation. On the
other hand, for those creators who desire to share their innovations, they may
do so under the less restrictive, Creative Commons (Boyle, 2008, p. 181). No
one is happy to sign over his work without contributing to the decision in how
it should be shared. The Internet has made information available at rapid
speeds and to a global campus, “knowledge,
once feeding the productive processes and services of these corporations, now
is itself deemed property” (Sun, 2009, p.4). This is a concern as education and educators look forward to
a more open access model for learning (Lyons, 2010, p. 63).
Blanchard, J.
(2009). The teacher exception under the work for hire doctrine: Safeguard of
academic freedom or vehicle for academic enterprise? Innovative Higher Education, 35(1), 61-19.
Boyle, J. (2008). The public domain: Enclosing the commons of the mind. New Haven, CN: Yale
University Press.
University Press.
Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 101 (2011).
Retrieved from
Klein, M.W. (2012). Ten Years After
Managed Professionals: Who Owns Intellectual Property Now? Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy, 2(2), 1-10.
Lyons, M. G. (2010). Open access is almost here: Navigating
through copyright, fair use, and the TEACH act. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(2), 57-64.
Nenych, L. A. (2011). Managing the
legal risks of high-tech classrooms. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 4(3), 1-7.
Simon, D. A. (2010). Teaching
without infringement: A new model for educational fair use. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media &
Entertainment Law Journal, 20(2),
Sun, J. C., & Baez, B. (2009).
Special issue: Intellectual property in the information age: Knowledge as
commodity and its legal implications for higher education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 34(4), 1-151.
Young, J.
(2010). College 2.0: A Self-Appointed Teacher Runs a One-Man 'Academy' on
YouTube. In The Chronicle of Higher
Education. Retrieved September 15, 2012, from http://chronicle.com/article/A-Self-Appointed-Teacher-Runs/65793/
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